Sunday 6 March 2011


What is this?
  • Slideshare is a website that provides you with presentations, documents and professional videos.
  • You can email, download or embed a file and use it in the classroom. 
Why is the content good for language learning?
  • Teachers can find ready-to-use powerpoint file that is relevant for the class.
  • Students can get a chance to prepare for their own presentation by using the material here.
  • Both teachers and students can have access to useful information easily.
How might you use it to foster language learning?     
  • Share the information about Easter with students together
  • Prepare some more quizzes on the slide about Easter and do it as a group game
  • Study the vocabulary on the slide and make more slides with only English definitions on them. Use them for 'say the word fast' game.
  • Let students search an Easter card on the internet and send it to a friend 
  • Read the rhyme together and get students to find rhyme words
What limitations should the teacher consider when using it?
  • Some activities are not fully ready to use
  • Might be better to provide more real pictures on Easter day for EFL young learners
  • Needs some related websites links for learners to find Easter cards more easily

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